The Trick with Perl6 and Linux: Staying Composed
During Andrew Shitov’s talk about Perl6 one-liners at the recent German Perl Workshop in Munich I followed along on the Perl6 REPL trying out the examples as...
During Andrew Shitov’s talk about Perl6 one-liners at the recent German Perl Workshop in Munich I followed along on the Perl6 REPL trying out the examples as...
These are my notes from the talks I attended at the third day of YAPC::EU 2016.
One can build Rakudo very easily via rakudobrew, for instance:
These are my notes from the talks I attended at the second day of YAPC::EU 2016.
These are my notes from the talks I attended at the first day of YAPC::EU 2016.
The Dutch Perl Workshop (NLPW) was held on the 1st of April, 2016. Many jokes were made about the date being no joke… Here are some of my impressions about...
The third instalment of the Swiss Perl Workshop will take place in the last week of August 2015. Part of the workshop will be a Perl 6 Hackathon, one of the...