Installing Android Studio for Apache Cordova

11 minute read

At work we’re looking at using Apache Cordova to create cross-platform applications. The idea of being able to use a single code base and yet still target Android, Windows and desktop systems (e.g. via Electron) is very enticing.

To get myself up to speed on the topic I read a few books about Cordova, one of which is a particularly good introduction to the topic: Apache Cordova in Action by Raymond K. Camden1. The book was published in 2016 which isn’t really that long ago, however it’s amazing how much has changed in the last three years. Most of the discussion in the book is still relevant, however the installation instructions for the Android SDK are now out of date.

Having recently worked out how to install the Android SDK (now part of Android Studio) in order to follow along with the examples in Apache Cordova in Action I thought I’d write up my experiences here; if nothing else, it will help me get up to speed faster the next time I have to set up Cordova for use with Android.

Getting Android Studio

As noted above, the Android SDK is now actually part of Android Studio. To get Android Studio, navigate to its download page and click on the “Download Android Studio” button. In my case this is the installer for Linux 64-bit; your mileage will probably vary.

After agreeing to the terms and conditions a rather large (~1 GB) zip archive will be downloaded. You will find that the pattern of downloading large files will repeat itself on the way to getting Cordova to handle starting the Android emulator.

The installation procedure will, by default, create several Android-related directories in your home directory. Unfortunately, one can’t really get around this, so we’ll just unpack the zip archive into the home directory. Once the zip archive has finished downloading, unpack it like so:

cd $HOME
unzip ~/Downloads/

Installing Android Studio: the Gory Details

The Android Studio installation seems to be completely graphical (at least, I haven’t found a way to script this), so here are the steps I took to get it installed.

As the installation docs in the extracted zip archive mention, you need to enter the android-studio/bin directory and run the script.

cd android-studio/bin

You will be greeted with a dialog asking you if you want to import settings from a previous installation.

Android Studio Installation: import settings dialog

In my case I don’t have any such previous installation, so using the default option of “Do not import settings” is perfect and I just needed to click on “Ok”.

The welcome window for the the installation wizard should now appear

Android Studio Installation: install wizard welcome window

Simply click on “Next” to continue. You will now be asked what type of installation you would like to have (either Standard or Custom).

Android Studio Installation: select installation type

The default (Standard) is fine, so one can just click on “Next”. There are a few user interface (UI) themes to choose from depending upon how you would like your IDE to look. I chose “Darcula” here because I normally use a black background in my “IDE” (i.e. tmux and vim) and because the name is amusing.

Android Studio Installation: select UI theme

As you guessed, just click on “Next” to go to the next step. Now you can check that the settings you’ve chosen are ok and can change them by going back to previous windows in the installation wizard.

Android Studio Installation: verify settings

I’m quite happy with these settings so I click on “Next” to continue. I was now informed that I can run the Android emulator in an accelerated performance mode.

Android Studio Installation: emulator settings

You might or might not be shown this depending upon your operating system and/or hardware. Click on “Finish” in order to complete the installation. We now find that even more needs to be downloaded (about another gigabyte; this is a bandwidth- and disk-space-hungry application).

Android Studio Installation: downloading components

Eventually everything will have been downloaded

Android Studio Installation: downloading components finished

and you will be asked to start a new project.

Android Studio: start new project

You don’t have to start a new project to continue (we don’t actually want to run Android Studio directly), you can simply close this window. The remaining steps can be carried out from the command line; note that this diverges from the discussion in Apache Cordova in Action.

Setting up a healthy work environment

I prefer to work on the command line, which I find to be much faster than clicking on buttons in a GUI just to get stuff done. This does have its downsides. In this particular case, the developers of Android Studio have put a lot of effort into making things inside Android Studio “just work”, however not necessarily for the command line (at least, not that I could find). Consequently, in order for the following sections to “just work” for the command line, it’s necessary to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and to extend the PATH environment variable. Here is a summary:

  • set JAVA_HOME to the path Android Studio’s jre/ directory (so that the expected Java libraries are used).
  • add the path to the Android SDK tools/bin/ directory to the PATH (so that tools such as sdkmanager and avdmanager can be found).
  • add the path to the Android SDK emulator/ directory to the PATH (so that the emulator program can be found).
  • prepend the path to the JRE bin directory to the PATH (since Android Studio’s version of java needs to be found before the system java is).
  • add the path to Android Studio’s gradle/bin/ directory (so that Cordova can find gradle when we use it later).
  • set the executable bit on the gradle binary. For some reason this isn’t set beforehand and if one doesn’t set the executable bit, then running the Android emulator from Cordova won’t work.

I don’t always want my shell environment to contain these changes (especially not the prepended JRE bin path; that would break all of my system packages which use Java), consequently I’ve created a small shell script to activate the Android environment, called ~/bin/activate-android:




export PATH=$PATH:$SDK_PATH/tools:$SDK_PATH/tools/bin:$SDK_PATH/emulator:$STUDIO_PATH/gradle/gradle-4.10.1/bin
export PATH=$STUDIO_PATH/jre/bin:$PATH

# make gradle executable if it isn't already
if [ -f "$GRADLE_BIN" -a ! -x "$GRADLE_BIN" ]
    chmod +x $GRADLE_BIN

Now I just need to source this file and my environment is how I want it and the Gradle binary is executable (if it wasn’t already), i.e.:

source ~/bin/activate-android

Emulating an Android device

In order to check that everything works, we’d like to run the Android emulator, but before we can do that, we need to create an Android Virtual Device (a.k.a. AVD). However, before we can do that, we need to download a suitable system image.

To be consistent with the discussion in section 2.1 of Apache Cordova in Action, we’ll use the Android API version 19 (corresponding to Android version 4.4).

The order of operations wasn’t obvious to me when I was doing this (I tried using the avdmanager to create the AVD first, but that didn’t work because the system image was missing) and an answer on Stack Overflow to a question about creating an Android AVD helped me work out which order to run the commands and what parameters one should give them.

A word of warning for those who have skimmed the internet for information about creating AVDs: once upon a time, one used the android command to install system images and manage AVDs, however this command (which is nevertheless still delivered with the SDK) is now deprecated and one should use sdkmanager for system images and avdmanager for AVDs instead.

Installing an appropriate system image

To find out what options sdkmanager takes, just use the --help option:

sdkmanager --help

To find out which packages are available, one uses the --list option:

sdkmanager --list

Since we want to use version 19 of the Android API, we should install the system-images;android-19;default;x86 image:

sdkmanager "system-images;android-19;default;x86"

This will download and install the requested system image. You will need to accept the license in order to continue with the download and installation. Also note that I chose the x86 image; this is supposedly about 10x faster than the armabi image (well, that’s what Android Studio told me when I tried to use the armabi image, and yeah, it’s definitely faster), so it’s a good idea to use the x86 image if possible.

Creating an Android Virtual Device

Now we’re ready to create the AVD! To do this we use the avdmanager, to see what it can do, just pass it the --help option:

avdmanager --help

To find out the available targets for and AVD or available virtual devices, just pass the list command to avdmanager (yes, this is inconsistent with the usage in sdkmanager, but let’s not worry about that).

avdmanager list

Since version 19 of the Android API is fairly old, I chose to use a fairly old device, namely a “Nexus 5”, a phone I once owned.

To create the AVD, pass the create subcommand to avdmanager along with the remaining required parameters (note that although the help for the create subcommand only mentions that the --name option is required, actually we have to specify a device and a system image, via the --device and --package options respectively). The full command looks like this:

avdmanager create avd --name nexus5 --device "Nexus 5" \
    --package "system-images;android-19;default;x86"

Emulating the Android device

We’re now ready to emulate our newly-created Nexus 5. This step will tell us if everything is wired up correctly inside Android Studio so that we can later emulate devices from Cordova. To start the device, we use the emulate command:

emulator -avd nexus5

A note for VirtualBox users (and those using VirtualBox implicitly via Vagrant): if you have a VirtualBox VM running, you will get an error like this:

ioctl(KVM_CREATE_VM) failed: 16 Device or resource busy
qemu-system-i386: failed to initialize KVM: Device or resource busy

All this means is that VirtualBox VMs can’t run at the same time as an Android emulator. Turning off the VM will allow the emulator to run.

You should now see Android start and will be presented with a screen like this:

Android 4.4 in an emulator

Click on “Ok” to get past the first screen and then long-click on the power button (at the top of the list of buttons at the right) to send the power-off signal to the emulated phone. Select the option to switch off the phone and wait for the emulator to shut everything down.

Now let’s get this to work in Cordova!

Emulating an Android app via Cordova

Installing Cordova

To install Cordova we don’t have to do as much work as was required for Android Studio. Since Cordova is a NodeJS package, we need to make sure the nodejs and npm packages are installed:

sudo apt install nodejs npm

The instructions used in Apache Cordova in Action install Cordova globally (i.e. by adding the -g flag to npm; see section 2.6). I like to keep my projects as separate from one another as I can and to let Debian’s APT system manage my system packages where possible, hence I will only install Cordova locally (i.e. within a given directory). The only penalty here is that the path to Cordova’s bin/ directory has to be set explicitly. I have a shell script for that too, but first, let’s create a project directory and install Cordova into it:

mkdir cordova_project
cd cordova_project
npm install cordova

That’s it! Unfortunately, we can’t run the cordova command directly, but by putting the following code into $HOME/bin/activate-cordova:


export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/node_modules/cordova/bin

and sourcing the file

source ~/bin/activate-cordova

we can now run the cordova command within this shell, e.g.:

cordova --help

Creating a Cordova project

To get started with Cordova, one must first create a project (using the example project name used in Apache Cordova in Action:

cordova create myfirstproject

This will create a directory called myfirstproject and populate it with a set of default files and directories so that one can start a “Hello World” application very quickly. Change into this directory

cd myfirstproject/

and run

cordova platforms

to see a list of platforms for which you can target your Cordova app development. We’re interested in developing for Android here, so we use

cordova platforms add android

to set up our app to target Android. It’s also possible to target a browser for a standard web application or even Windows if one wants to create an app for Windows 8 or Windows 10.

Running the default “Hello World” Cordova app in Android

Now we just need to run

cordova emulate android

to get Cordova to start the Android emulator and to start the “Hello World” app within it. Note that Gradle is likely to want to download itself in this step, so it can take a while to get going (I did mention that lots will be downloaded, didn’t I?) If all went well, you should see a screen like this:

Hello World Cordova App start screen


Yay! We’ve got Android Studio and Cordova installed and have managed to get the default Cordova “Hello World” app to start. Now for the really hard work: actually developing the real application!

Appendix: Cleaning up

Should you ever want to completely remove everything that was changed/installed as part of the Android Studio installation and Cordova setup, you will need to remove these files and directories:

  1. Please note that I’m not affiliated with Manning or with Raymond K. Camden; I simply found his book to be a good introduction to Cordova and have thus followed the flow of his installation instructions for this post. 


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