Working around the focus-click problem in Selenium
Sometimes Selenium can lose browser focus when running tests, which can cause timeout errors when testing click events in a web application. Here I discuss ...
Sometimes Selenium can lose browser focus when running tests, which can cause timeout errors when testing click events in a web application. Here I discuss ...
It turns out that my Jekyll-based static site was storing cookies, of which I wasn’t aware. Oops! Sorry! Cookie opt-in is required by law in Germany and I...
This post might seem a bit silly, because I’ve already posted this tip on Twitter about a year ago. Nevertheless, I needed exactly this piece of information...
Sometimes there seems to be so much hidden power in vim that it’s just stunning. It’s like there’s a hidden reservoir of power just underneath the surface o...
Technical blogging, second edition by Antonio Cangiano is–as the title implies–a book about blogging for the technically inclined. It guides the reader from...